From cyber-security to environmental technology to web design, start-ups and veteran firms made quite an impact
By David Shamah, The Times of Israel
This is the time of year that tech sites and tech pros come out with their “top 10 of 2014” lists, and Israeli tech pundits are no different. But what does “best” mean? The company that got the most investments? The firms with the best exits? The ones that won the most international awards?
A list could be drawn up of Israeli tech companies for each of those categories, and most of those lists would find it challenging to limit themselves to just 10. But in the final analysis, the purpose of tech is not development for its own sake, but to solve problems – to help people live healthier, more productive, more prosperous, and easier lives.
Many Israeli tech firms have done just that, essentially transforming the way the world works today – and here, too, there are a lot more than 10. While what follows is by no means a comprehensive list, it is a good place to start. Some of these technologies you may be familiar with, and perhaps even use, while others may be less well-known – but all of them are having a major impact on the way the world does business, treats health problems, deals with environmental issues, or keeps its data safe.
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