Monday, August 31, 2015

The Operating Room of the Future - InSightec - Dr. Kobi Vortman Technion Alumnus

INSIGHTEC’s technology completely transforms the world of medicine by offering an innovative, ground-breaking non-invasive therapy platform that significantly reduces the need for invasive surgery, providing a life altering, alternative treatment option to millions of people around the world.


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Friday, August 21, 2015

Half of Jerusalem Arabs want to be Israelis

Figure far higher in capital than among West Bank (12%) or Gaza (4%) Palestinians, poll finds

By Times of Israel staff

A slim majority of Palestinians living in Jerusalem would prefer Israeli citizenship to being citizens of a Palestinian state, a new poll indicates.

Just over half, or 52 percent, of respondents told pollsters they would prefer “Israeli citizenship with equal rights,” while 42% prefer to be Palestinian citizens when a Palestinian state is established, Channel 2 reported Wednesday.

The figure is far higher than in polls conducted in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. In Gaza, just 4% said they preferred Israeli citizenship; in the West Bank, just 12%.

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Who are Israel's Circassians?

Source: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Who are Israel's Circassians?

Israel's Circassian minority are peaceful Muslims, fond of dancing and mournful of their far away Caucasus homeland. They consider themselves "proud to be Israeli."

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tel Aviv University’s Egyptian Valedictorian: ‘We Must Always Question Our Assumptions’

Haisam Hassanein grew up surrounded by anti-Israeli stereotypes but found a very different reality when he experienced the country for himself

By Yair Rosenberg for Tablet Magazine    

Last week, Tel Aviv University held its annual graduation ceremony for international master’s students. The event unfolded like most of its kind, with the school’s academic officials offering the assembled students congratulations on the occasion and wisdom for the wider world. But then the year’s valedictorian took the stage and delivered an address that was anything but the usual predictable platitudes.

Haisam Hassanein was born and raised in rural Egypt, probably the last place one would expect an Israeli university’s valedictorian to hail from. In his speech, Hassanein recalled how he had been surrounded from childhood by anti-Israeli stereotypes at home and in the media:

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Thanks to Israel, Detecting Cancer Will be Easier Then Ever

From the Israel Video Network

The newest technology straight from the Technion in Israel. A highly sensitized artificial nose that will help us identify cancer early on. What an incredible gift to the world!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Israel’s Heart for Peace

At Hadassah Medical Center, a mixed team of Israeli and Palestinian cardiologists has cared for 607 Palestinian children since 2005, at no charge.

By Abigail Klein Leichman for Israel21c

Four years ago, a pregnant Palestinian woman from Hebron was referred to Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem. The mother suffered from the autoimmune disease lupus. Antibodies in her blood had crossed the placenta, causing heart blockage in her fetus.

“We delivered the baby and implanted a pacemaker immediately. She went home two or three weeks later and she’s healthy,” says Prof. Azaria JJT Rein, head of pediatric cardiology at Hadassah and cofounder of A Heart for Peace, a partnership with Hadassah for the care of Palestinian children suffering from congenital heart diseases.   
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Friday, August 7, 2015

World Jewish Congress outraged by Indonesia's denial of visa to Israeli athlete

Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, does not have diplomatic relations with Israel.

By JPost Staff Writer

The decision by Indonesian authorities to refuse a visa request to an Israeli badminton player competing in the World Championships there has sparked outrage among Jewish organizations.

In a statement released by the Geneva-based World Jewish Congress, the Indonesian government is accused of "unfairly mixing politics and sports" by denying a visa to Misha Zilberman, the badminton player who hopes to compete in the World Badminton Championships in Jakarta next week.

“This decision to bar an Israeli player from an international sporting competition can’t stand, and I urge Indonesia to allow Misha Zilberman to compete in these championships,” WJC CEO Robert Singer said.

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Israeli Preemptive Action, Western Reaction

by Victor Davis Hanson for the National Review

Will Israel do the unthinkable to stop the unimaginable?

The Obama administration seems peeved that almost everyone in Israel, left and right, has no use for the present Iranian–American deal to thwart Iran’s efforts to get the bomb. Indeed, at times John Kerry has hinted darkly that Israel’s opposition to the pact might incur American wrath should the deal be tabled — even though Kerry knows that the polls show a clear majority of Americans being against the proposed agreement while remaining quite supportive of the Jewish state. President Obama, from time to time, suggests that his agreement is being sabotaged by nefarious lobbying groups, big-time check writers, and neoconservative supporters of the Iraq war — all shorthand, apparently, for pushy Jewish groups.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Sans family and friends, Israeli newlyweds leaned on Facebook to invite anybody nearby to celebrate with them. Droves came and danced the night away.

By Liel Leibovitz for Tablet Magazine

The last two years have been cruel to Annette Salomon, a young woman from a small town in central Israel. She had lost her mother and then, last month, just a few weeks before her wedding, her father passed away as well. Convinced, perhaps, that the bride-to-be was too mournful to proceed with her betrothal, Annette’s family members and friends stayed home this Sunday; and when she and her fiancé, Lior, entered the reception hall and took their place under the chuppah, they looked around and saw that they were all alone in the room. Things were hardly looking up as the simcha unfurled: as the hors d’oeuvres were being passed around the room during the cocktail hour, there were barely a dozen people in attendance to enjoy them.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Parents bury ‘innocent, gentle’ daughter, stabbed to death at pride parade

Classmates, friends and relatives eulogize Shira Banki, 16, a ‘beautiful flower’ killed in a senseless act of hatred

By Tamar Pileggi for The Times of Israel
Thousands of people gathered at Kibbutz Nachshon west of Jerusalem Monday to pay their last respects to Shira Banki, the 16-year-old high school student fatally stabbed at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade last Thursday.

Mourners, including classmates, friends and relatives, recalled a “beautiful flower” who was killed in a senseless act of hatred.

Banki was one of six people stabbed by ultra-Orthodox assailant Yishai Schlissel. Evacuated to a local hospital in critical condition, Banki died of her wounds Sunday.

In a funeral ceremony closed to the media, her parents, Uri and Mika, eulogized their daughter. “Shir, an intelligent, beautiful, intelligent, gentle, curious, musical girl… Even adolescence had passed over her with grace, and she blossomed like a beautiful flower.

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Monday, August 3, 2015

Pro-Israel ‘lone warrior’ stares down weekly anti-Israel protests in London

Using evangelical tactics he learned from Muslim clergy, young Orthodox Jew Joseph Cohen says his Israel advocacy is ‘a mitzva’

By Jenni Frazer for The Times of Israel   

LONDON — A familiar figure at anti-Israel demonstrations, with his gigantic bushy red beard and white crocheted deep skullcap, he could well be — at first sight — a white Englishman who has converted to Islam.

But Joseph Cohen, 32, is in fact a lone warrior, putting the case for Israel while standing in a sea of dissent. Intriguingly, Cohen says he draws much inspiration for his methods from young Muslim activists.

Cohen was a founder of the grassroots Campaign Against Antisemitism last year, but has recently decided that “anti-Semitism wasn’t the problem — anti-Israel/Zionism is.” He left the CAA and launched his own campaign, the Israel Advocacy Movement.

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