Eight nations vote in favor, leaving Ramallah one vote short
France votes 'yes,' Nigeria abstains
UPDATE: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked those who helped defeat Tuesday's Palestinian attempt to ram an anti-Israel resolution through the U.N. Security Council.At the same time, the Palestinians announced their intention to vote on whether to join the International Criminal Court as soon as possible, where they hope to charge Israel with "war crimes" despite the obvious hypocrisy of doing so, given their own long history of war crimes.
Netanyahu told the press, "I want to express appreciation and gratitude to the United States and Australia," who voted against bringing the resolution to a confirmation vote.
But he reserved particular gratitude for two African nations who ensured the resolution's defeat. He expressed special appreciation to the President of Rwanda, my friend Paul Kagame, and to the President of Nigeria, my friend Goodluck Jonathan. I spoke with both of them, they promised me personally that they would not support this decision, and they stood by their words. That is what tipped the scales.
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